plural anti-vaxxers
Definition of anti-vaxxer
: a person who opposes the use of vaccines or regulations mandating vaccination
Some self-identified anti-vaxxers are vehemently against all vaccines. Some are skeptical of specific vaccines …— Kelly McLaughlin and Yelena Dzhanova He said, while he will not get the COVID-19 vaccine, he is not an "anti-vaxxer" against all vaccinations.— Steven Mitchell
: a parent who opposes having his or her child vaccinated
Before the 2016-17 school year, parents who opposed vaccination, or anti-vaxxers as they are often called, could enroll their unvaccinated children in school citing the personal belief exemption, based on religious or philosophical convictions, for example. — Ana B. Ibarra and Barbara Feder Ostrov She said she's not a staunch anti-vaxxer and has her two children get routine vaccines except flu shots. — Scott Wyland As anti-vaxxers launch a campaign against a bill that would eliminate their ability to opt out of required shots, supporters of the proposal are delivering more than 21,000 petition signatures to the office of state Sen. Ben Allen … — Alexei Koseff
—often used before another noun anti-vaxxer sentiment anti-vaxxer parents Ironically, probably one reason the anti-vaxxer movement has swayed so many people is because the vaccines for childhood diseases have been so successful. Most of today's parents have never experienced the damage they can do. — The San Mateo (California) Daily Journal
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Time Traveler for anti-vaxxer
The first known use of anti-vaxxer was in 2008
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